Monday, October 20, 2014


Today I was highly productive! The editing process began with unifying the line darkness of all the  images. You see, when I first started the comic book, I was using a Mars Staedler brush pen. Eventually, the ink ran out, and the Artists and Craftsman store didn't have any more. So, I had to buy a different brand of permanent, archival brush pen. It was a much better tool, darker and more uniform. But when I looked back at the first 10 pages or so of the graphic novel, the Mars Staedler ink work was anemic. Thankfully, I discovered today that Photoshop actually has an Enhance menu, under which is a Contrast continuum. I was able to make all the drawings have the same percentage of ink darkness to contrast with the white of the paper!

Okay, not the best photo of some of the pages of the teaching graphic novel

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