Friday, June 20, 2014


I love showing my work to people. My friend Lisa has a friend who's worked in the publishing business for about 30 years. Lisa asked Debbie if she'd be willing to talk with me about my work. I was thrilled that Debbie'd said yes, and today we met. I showed her what I have so far of all three graphic novels, and she gave me concrete suggestions for next steps. One of the steps was to attend Comic-Con! YES!

What I enjoyed about meeting with Debbie is that she was patient, not assuming that I knew a lot about how to get my books published. She was also very clear and encouraging. I felt that she helped open up options for me. While creating, my head is down, my sight focused on executing the story, but every now and then I look up and survey the world in which my stories are to be a part. It's nice having someone like Debbie nearby. Many thanks go out to her and Lisa!


  1. So excited for you that you'll have the time now and the wonderful guidance on your next career journey!

    On side a note, Ivan has known that it is MY FOREVER DREAM to go to Comi-Con! He asked if I was going to try and hide in your luggage. Looking forward to living the dream vicariously through you :)

    1. Well, Marina, you know what? The next ComicCon is in October in San Francisco with the Alternative Press Expo. We're seriously considering coming back for that. I'll bring a roomy suitcase!
